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How to Shorten Your Lanyard

How to Shorten Your Lanyard

How to Shorten a Lanyard?

So, you've found your dream lanyard, but it's just a tiny bit too long? No worries; we can help. First off, you need to know there are TWO primary types of lanyards. 

 String/Cord/Beaded Lanyard 

These are the type of lanyards that we sell, and there's a super easy way to adjust their length if they have a breakaway clasp.

Ribbon Lanyard

This is a fairly common style of lanyard as it is easy and cheap to assemble. We don't sell these style, but they can still be just takes a little more effort and doesn't look as clean!

The other type of lanyard you might come across is one made from silver, gold, or another metal chain. In this case, you'll need to see a jeweler for adjustments. There's typically not an easy way to adjust the length if it wasn't designed to be adjustable.

How to Shorten a String/Cord/Beaded Lanyard?

Breakaway clasps serve an important purpose for teacher and nurse lanyards. For our beaded lanyards, one important role of breakaway clasps it to serve as an easy way to adjust the length of your lanyard. Just follow these quick steps to adjust your lanyard to a shorter length.

Note: as always, measure twice...cut once. And, remember, you can always make it shorter, but it's a little more difficult to make it longer if you cut it too short.

How to Shorten a Lanyard
  1. Open the breakaway clasps on your lanyard.
  2. Feed one side of the lanyard string through the breakaway. You should see a knot.
  3. Cut this side of the string to shorten it as much as you desire, and tie a new knot (single knots will hold if you tie them tight.)
  4. Close your breakaway clasp.

All set! Enjoy your perfectly sized lanyard!

How to Shorten a Ribbon Lanyard?

In the case of a ribbon lanyard, you'll probably have a bit more trouble. But, all hope is not lost. There are two ways to do this. 

Method 1: Using A Stapler

This method is pretty simple and will take advantage of skills and tools every teacher is guaranteed to have including a stapler. Warning...this may not be the most refined way of doing's a bit hacky, but it works! With that in mind, proceed at your own risk; there's no going back!

Shorten Ribbon Lanyard
  1. In the area of your choice, fold the lanyard in a Z pattern (see the images!) The area you choose is up to you. If you choose at the very back of the lanyard, you'll have a slightly rough area rubbing your neck, but the fold won't be visible. If you do it around on the side, it'll be a bit more noticeable, but won't risk bothering your neck.
  2. Now that you have the Z, you can make it larger or smaller depending on how short you'd like your lanyard. Obviously, the bigger the Z, the shorter your lanyard. Just make sure you leave it large enough to fit over your head!
  3. Now that you've gotten the perfect length, take a stapler and secure your lanyard. Depending on the width of your lanyard material, the size of your staples, and the size of your Z, you have a few different options here. See image for some options. But, you'll probably want to staple in 1-2 places. 
  4. All set; you now have the perfectly sized lanyard. Note...this won't be super strong so a good yank or too much weight could cause the staples to give out or even tear the lanyard material. You'll also want to be careful if you have sensitive skin, as the staples could cause irrigation.

Method 2: Using A Needle/Thread or Sewing Machine

This method will yield a strong and nicer looking/feeling result, but does require a bit more effort/skill. (P.S. No images here, as I'm not handle with a needle/thread, but if you try this and don't mind sharing your pictures, let me know!)

  1. Follow steps 1-3 above. 
  2. Instead of using a stapler to secure your Z, using your sewing machine or needle/thread to place a few stitches to hold the Z in place.
  3. All set!

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